
FluentU helps students understand language in conversation.  It provides authentic video of native speakers speaking their language…in a natural context. The video collections come from movies, music videos, news programs, and commercials.  Each video comes with subtitles and you can hover over any word in the subtitles to get its definition and three sentences that use the word.  Y0u can also select any word to be added to a personalized vocabulary list that can be studied later.  FluentU also provides students the ability to take quizzes on the videos and they can practice words with flashcards.  FluentU would be a great companion resource to use in conjunction with written grammar and vocabulary instruction in your classroom

Website: fluentu.com

Difficulty:  Moderate

 Platform: Web, iOS, Android (Free Trial then paid subscription)

Note:  This application requires a paid subscription after the free trial.  Although we recognize the benefit of this application, we can not guarantee the purchase of a school/classroom subscription.  If you feel the application is beneficial for your classroom after evaluating it, EdTech will explore the possibility of a school/classroom purchase.