
This beautifully designed curation tool allows users to pull together all kinds of digital resources into a single, clean collection that can be shared online:

  • User-generated text, which can include headings, rich-text features, and hyperlinked text. This allows users to write in-depth about the resources they curate, use a collection as a mixed media research project, or even create a digital story by mixing text with images and other multimedia.

  • Links to online articles. Wakelet will pull a featured image and a description from the original article, then users can change the picture and the description to suit their needs.

  • Images. These can be placed right into a collection to add visual interest or illustrate important ideas. There’s also a built-in search connected to Unsplash, a fantastic source for royalty-free images.

  • PDFs. Full PDF files can be uploaded into a collection and opened in a new window.

  • Embedded multimedia: A Wakelet collection can include embedded videos, Google Maps, audio tracks from Soundcloud, SlideShare presentations, and tweets directly from Twitter. Because these are embedded, all of their features work right inside any Wakelet collection.

    Similar Tool: Bit.ai offers a similar way to create pages of mixed text and other assets, then manage multiple pages on a single collaborative platform.

Website: Wakelet.com

Difficulty:  Easy

 Platform: Web, iOS, Android. Browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox